Most frequently error codes for offers and products


The most frequently encountered error codes for products :

  • 9000 => Product created. You can now submit an offer on this product.

  • 8000 - 3300 - 3000 => Product already in your catalog. You can now submit an offer on this product.

  • 9924 - 9938 => Impossible to find the category corresponding to the product sheet submitted. You must modify the wording of your product sheet in order to be more specific and feat with the selected category. For example, if you sell a book, you have chosen the category book but, in your labels and descriptions you do not mention the books at all, the system is not sure that your product is in the right category, so it gives you the error code.

  • 5224 => Similar than the 9924 error code but an item may also be missing and you have to make a modification as well.

  • 2624 => The EAN code already exists. You cannot submit the same EAN on several products.

The most frequently encountered error codes for offers :

  • 9000 => Offer updated.

  • 8000 => Offer created.

  • 1300 - 1324 => The product sheet is not created yet. You must create it before submitting an offer.

  • 2403 => The EAN code is already associated with another reference in your catalog. You must make a request for modification on the product sheet at the product support team.