Product feature

How to manage your products creation

Why use product Features

This feature allows you to create your product sheet if it does not exist.

  • Create your product sheet

  • Match the existing product sheet

  • Manage your catalog


Use cases

In order to find different cases that you may encounter, you will find a list of use cases

  1. Recover the EAN codes

  2. Find category codes and associated models

  3. Submit product package

Use cases

Some definition

Product: The creation of product sheet is necessary if not existing on our platform. The creation allows you to enrich the article sheet and to register your product in our databases.

Offer: Create an offer after the creation of the product sheet in order to insert it in your catalog.

Package: Zip package containing your product sheets.

Download the product package.

How the products work

Check if the ean codes are existing, get the necessary information to create your product sheets and create your package



Get a list of models
GET /models

Allows you to retrieve your offer reports

Recommandations of call : Push the previously retrieved packageId

Get the full tree of categories

Allows you to update your offers

Recommandations of call : Hosting your offer package and pushing your "url

Get product package logs
GET /product-integration-packages/{packageId}

Allows you to retrieve your product reports

Recommandations of call : Push the previously retrieved packageId

Submit a product package

Allows you to submit your product sheet

Recommandations of call : Hosting your product package and pushing your "url

Search products by criteria
GET /products/search

Allows you to retrieve the information of a product sheet and to know if the ean code is existing

Recommandations of call : Filter by ean code

Use cases

Recover the EAN codes you need

1 - To check if your ean code existing you must use the Searches product by criteria method if your products already exists you can push directly

For the initialization of your feeds we recommend you to call the method once before attempting to create your product

2 - Collect the elements necessary to build your product package

First find the corresponding category and then the associated models

How to build the Product package

The structure:

The name given to the Zip package has no importance. There is no specific norm.

The structure of the package must contain this tree structure necessarily.

  • Folder _rels containing the file .rels

  • Folder Content containing the file Products.xml

  • File [Content_Types].xml

Download example of product package

The attributes

Mandatory for full offers :

<Product BrandName="AUCUNE" CategoryCode="0Z010701" Description="Your description" LongLabel="Do contain 132 characters maximum" Model="SOUMISSION CREATION PRODUITS_MK" ProductKind="Standard" SellerProductId="166ref1234" ShortLabel="Do contain 30 characters maximum">
<ProductEan Ean="12324567891234"/>
<!-- 1 mandatory image, 4 maximum attention to respect the weight, size and content -->
<ProductImage Uri="" />

If you want to go into more detail, you can consult this page

For product variation you must add :

  • SellerProductFamily to initialise the common variation reference

  • Size to be filled in with an existing value that can be found in the model.

  • SellerProductColorName also to be filled in with an existing value that can be found in the model.

The optional attributes :

  • Navigation

  • EncodedMarketingDescription This optional attribute describes the marketing description and allows you to give more information about the product and also to add images, videos and HTML code.

    Warning : the text must be encoded in base 64 and is limited to 5,000 characters.

HTML allowed : <bold> <strong> <br>

HTML forbidden : <href> <font> <table> <tr> <td> <th> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <body>

If you want to go into more detail, you can consult this page

And to enrich your product data sheets you have the properties models :

To do this you need to add between the EanList and Product.Pictures tags the tag below

<!-- example properties-->
<x:String x:Key="Genre">Homme</x:String>
<x:String x:Key="Type de public">Adulte</x:String>

To summarize :

  • Get model allows you to retrieve the information, the model and enrich the product data sheet

  • Get Category allows you to retrieve the categories authorised for the seller

  • Submit product allows you to send your product packages via the url you have hosted

  • Get package integration enables you to consult the integration report of your product package submitted by product

Integration of your package and report

Once your offer package is done, you have to host it on a downloadable url then insert this url in the body of the submit an product method


The method will return a PackageId number with which you can call the reports with the Gets product package logs method.


We strongly recommend that you consult your integration reports to know if your products are correctly integrated or not