Functional documentation

Offer feature V2

How to manage your catalog

API product Feature

  • SUBMIT OFFERS with json (Not available for Cdiscount)
  • SUBMIT OFFERS with xml 


What is an offer ?

  1. The difference between product and offer
  2. How to create and update offers via API
  3. How to delete an offer (not with API)
  4. How to apply commercial operations (only Cdiscount)

Help center documentation


1- Get Offers 

Two endpoints to get the offer information of your catalogue. 

  • POST Offer Search (will be deprecated)
  • GET Offers (new endpoint for Octopia sales channels)

2- Submit offers with json (NOT AVAILABLE FOR CDISCOUNT)

  • Manage ONLY OCTOPIA catalog
  • Create, update and delete your offers
  • Check your offer integration log

3- Submit offers with xml files

  • Manage CDISCOUNT catalog but also Octopia sales channels
  • Create and update your offer information
  • Check your offer integration log
  • Set up commercial operations (Cdiscount only)

4- Management rules 

  • For json API

Some definition

Glossary :

Offer: The offer data concern:

  • Stock
  • Price
  • Taxes
  • Product condition
  • Delivery information (Mode ; Cost ; Time)
  • Status (Active ; Inactive)

An offer is active if and only if ALL the above information are submitted by the seller.

Sales channel : Octopia allows to sell and manage offers on several marketplaces.
Currently, on the offer feature, there are differences of working between Cdiscount and other marketplaces of octopia.

SalesChannelid : This id is used to identify the targeted sales channel. It allows the seller to publish offer information on a specific sales channel.

OfferPoolId : this is a legacy id for the sales channel. It will be deprecated with the SOAP API. Octopia advise to use the sales channel id.

Submit offers : The seller can publish and/or modify the offer information through API’s.

Get offers : The seller can retrieve all the offer information from its catalog

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