Offer feature

How to manage your catalogue

Why use offer feature

The offer allows you to manage your product catalog. With the offer feature, you will :

  • Update your catalog

  • Change your prices & stock

  • Set up commercial operations


Use cases

In order to find different cases that you may encounter, you will find a list of use cases

  1. Recover the EAN codes

  2. Create the offer package

  3. Submit the offer package

Use cases

Some definition

Product: The product sheet must exist on the seller catalog to receive an offer.

Offer: The offer data concern : stock, price, condition, delivery method(s)... The number of offer in the same package is limited (max 40 000) to improve updating performance.

Package: You have two types of offer packages:

  • Full : Submit all offers information ( prices, stock, delivery information...). Mandatory before updating offers via StockAndPrice.

  • StockAndPrice (light) : Once your full offers package has been integrated, you can submit the stock and/or price package.

Download examples of package Full and Light

How the offers work

The catalog only displays products that have been created and have received an offer. If you want to find out about the products created, you can use the product method Search products by criteria



Get offer package logs
GET /offer-integration-packages/{packageId}

Allows you to retrieve your offer reports

Recommandations of call : Push the previously retrieved packageId

Submit offer package

Allows you to update your offers

Recommandations of call : Hosting your offer package and pushing your "url

Search offers by criteria
GET /offers/search

Allows you to retrieve your catalogue

Recommandations of call : Filter by reference or by descending quantity

Use cases

Recover the EAN codes you need

1 - To retrieve your catalog you must use the Search offers by criteria method if your products have already received an offer for your store.

For the initialization of your feeds we recommend you to call the method once without reference filter to retrieve the entirety.

2 - If you want to know if an ean code is present on our site so that you can integrate it without having to create the product sheet, you can use the Product search by cryteria method with your ean code list.

Once you have acquired your list of references you can move on to the next step of creating an offer package.

How to build the offer package

The structure:

The name given to the Zip package has no importance. There is no specific norm.

The structure of the package must contain this tree structure necessarily.

  • Folder _rels containing the file .rels

  • Folder Content containing the file Offers.xml

  • File [Content_Types].xml

Download examples of package Full and Light

The attributes

Mandatory for full offers :

<Offer SellerProductId="32427220" ProductEan="0080605625006" ProductCondition="6" Price="19.95" EcoPart="0.10" DeaTax="3.14" vat="19.6" Stock="10" Comment="Offre avec tous les modes de livraisons possibles" PreparationTime="1">

ProductCondition value :

6 -> New

4 ->AverageState

2 -> VeryGoodState

1 -> LikeNew

Some other attributes :

  • StrikedPrice  Allows you to display the strike price

  • PriceMustBeAligned "Align" or "DontAlign" and MinimumPriceForPriceAlignment

  • IsCDAV "true" or "false"

Shipping information

The available delivery methods to be informed for parcels under 30 kg :

Only Registered and Tracked are mandatory

<ShippingInformation AdditionalShippingCharges="0.95" DeliveryMode="Standard" ShippingCharges="1.0" />
<ShippingInformation AdditionalShippingCharges="1.95" DeliveryMode="Tracked" ShippingCharges="2.0" />
<ShippingInformation AdditionalShippingCharges="2.95" DeliveryMode="Registered" ShippingCharges="3.0" />
<ShippingInformation AdditionalShippingCharges="6.95" DeliveryMode="RelaisColis" ShippingCharges="7.5" />
<ShippingInformation AdditionalShippingCharges="7.95" DeliveryMode="SoColissimo" ShippingCharges="8.5" />
<ShippingInformation AdditionalShippingCharges="7.95" DeliveryMode="MondialRelay ShippingCharges="8.5" />

Commercial mechanics,

     there are 4 possible ones :

  • the strikedprice which corresponds to the price generally found in stores. It is not limited in time. Price is strictly lower than StrikedPrice.

  • Minimum price for alignement (MinimumpriceforPriceAlignment and PriceMustBeAligned) which is automatically aligned with the competition up to the fixed floor price. it is not limited in time. In your case, please note that you have entered "1.00", which means that you can lower the price by up to 1€.

  • Sales that are only active during the official sales period in France (January and June). Type=3 and DiscountUnit=1. The SalesreferencePrice is the price that will be applied to the sale (usually equal to the Price) and the DiscountValue is the discount percentage. Be careful, in your example, you make a discount of 99.90%. Not combinable with flash sales.

  • flash sales. Limited to 72h maximum for each SKU with a mandatory 3x the time of the flash sale between each sale. Type=1 and DiscountUnit=1. The DiscountValue is applied directly on the Price. And the spacing between StartDate and EndDate must not exceed 48h. Not combinable with sales.

You can find examples of commercial mechanics in the full offer package.

Integration of your package and report

Once your offer package is done, you have to host it on a downloadable url then insert this url in the body of the submit an offer method


The method will return a PackageId number with which you can call the reports with the Gets offer package logs method.


We strongly recommend that you consult your integration reports to know if your products are correctly updated or not