Features weather V2

In this page you will find the schedule of the progress of the functionalities, the current functionalities and modifications …

Carriers Octopia Cdiscount
GET /carriers OK OK
Seller Octopia Cdiscount
GET /sellers OK OK
GET /sellers/delivery-modes OK OK
GET /sellers/addresses OK OK
GET /sellers/subscriptions OK OK
GET /sellers/indicators KO OK
Order Octopia Cdiscount
Get /Order OK OK
Get /Order/count OK OK
Get /Order/{orderid} OK OK
POST /orders/{orderId}/approval-status Only needed for Cdiscount OK
POST /orders/{orderId}/shipments OK Global delivery only
POST /order-partial-cancellation-requests OK KO
GET /order-cancellation-requests OK OK
POST /order-cancellation-requests OK Before shipping only
GET /cancellation-reasons OK OK
GET /order-invoice-imports OK OK
POST /order-invoice-imports OK OK
GET /order-invoice-imports/{importId} OK OK
GET /orders/{orderId}/invoice-documents OK OK
POST /orders/{orderId}/invoice-documents OK OK
Offer Octopia Cdiscount
GET /offers OK OK
POST /offer-integration-packages (XML) OK OK
GET /offer-integration-packages/{packageId} (XML) OK OK
POST /offer-packages (JSON) OK KO
GET /offer-packages (JSON) OK KO
GET /offer-packages/{packageId} (JSON) OK KO
PATCH /offer-packages/{packageId} (JSON) OK KO
POST /offer-packages/{packageId}/offer-requests (JSON) OK KO
GET /offer-packages/{packageId}/offer-requests-results (JSON) OK KO
Product referential Octopia Cdiscount
GET /categories/{categoryReference} OK OK
GET /categories/{categoryReference}/properties OK OK
GET /categories/count OK OK
GET/categories OK OK
GET/brands OK OK
Product integration Octopia Cdiscount
POST /products-integration OK OK
GET /products-integration-reports OK OK
GET /products/count OK OK
GET /products OK OK
Discussion Octopia Cdiscount
POST /discussions OK KO
GET /discussions/{discussionId} OK OK
PATCH /discussions/{discussionId} OK OK
GET /discussions OK OK
GET /discussions/count OK OK
POST /messages OK OK
PATCH /messages/{messageId} OK OK
GET /typologies OK OK
GET /attachments OK OK
GET /sales-channel-configurations/{salesChannelId} OK OK
Fulfillment by Octopia by Cdiscount
GET /outbound-shipments OK OK
POST /outbound-shipments OK OK
GET /outbound-shipments/count OK OK
GET /outbound-shipments/{outboundShipmentId} OK OK
GET /stocks OK OK
GET /stocks/{stockId} OK OK
GET /stock-seller-references OK OK
GET /inbound-shipments/count OK KO
POST /inbound-shipments OK KO
GET /inbound-shipments OK KO
GET /inbound-shipments/{inboundShipmentId}/delivery-notes OK KO
GET /inbound-shipments/{inboundShipmentId} OK KO
POST /fulfillment-products OK KO
POST /returns OK KO
GET /returns OK KO
GET /returns/{returnId} OK KO
GET /returns/{returnId}/labels OK KO
Finance Octopia Cdiscount
GET /invoices/{invoiceId}/details OK OK
GET /invoices/{invoiceId}/details/count OK OK
GET /invoices/{invoiceId}/documents OK OK
GET /invoice-documents OK OK
GET /operations OK OK
GET /operations/count OK OK
GET /payments OK OK
GET /payments/count OK OK


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