Latest Releases

You will find in this section the latest evolution of the API V2: Adding new endpoint, not breaking change…

Release of Aug 29, 2024

Offers : Flash Sales solution become obsolete

Over the last few months, we have identified that the Flash Sales solution had become obsolete due to the following factors:

  • Low visibility
  • Limited monitoring/reporting
  • Low take-up of the service by sellers

As part of this development, we would like to inform you that the Flash Sales solution will be discontinued from 29/08/2024.

You can continue to promote your offers by contacting your account manager or by using the CARS Promo Boost solution.

Release of March 03, 2024

Get Order : PickupId and PickupName now avalaible

  • GET /orders and GET /orders/{orderid} : It is now possible to retrieve the identifier and name of the relay point in the node “lines” > “shippingAddress”.

Release of Jan 09, 2024

Transaction reports : New endpoints

  • GET /reports/{reportId}/report-documents : Download Octopia MKP’s seller transaction reports file from the reportId.
  • GET /reports : Retrieve sales summaries reports (PDF) from Saleschannel, rely on DAC7 Law.

Discussions : New endpoints

  • POST /discussions : Use this API to create a new discussion.

Release of Nov 17, 2023

Product Creation : Now avalaible for Cdiscount.

  • POST /products-integration and POST /products-integration-reports can now be used to create products on the Cdiscount sales channel.
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